6:23 p.m.

  • Met-Rx® 180 Workout Fitness Exercise Ball Program Complete Kit - Transforming Every Body
  • It's not just a workout program. It's a results-oriented personal trainer, a nutritionist, a knowledgeable workout partner, and a sophisticated home or mobile gym...all in one
  • However different each your path may be from those of others, MET-Rx 180TM will help you get in the best shape of your life
  • The kit includes 12 Disc DVD Series featuring 16 workouts, Resistance Band, Fitness Ball with Pump, Retractable Tape Measure, Skin Caliper Kit, Nutrition Guide and Fitness Guide and Workout Journal
  • Helps Improve Balance, Coordination and Flexibility. Ideal for Core Strength Training, Stretching, Toning, Resistance Exercises.

It's not just a workout program. It's a results-oriented personal trainer, a nutritionist, a knowledgeable workout partner, and a sophisticated home or mobile gym...all in one. Based on over 20 years of fitness experience, the MET-Rx 180TM program is your passport to a new, healthier lifestyle. We are here to support and encourage you throughout every step of your fitness transformation. The journey will be different for everyone, including the obstacles you may face along the way. However different each path may be, MET-Rx 180TM will help you get in the best shape of your life. The kit includes 12 Disc DVD Series featuring 16 workouts, Resistance Band, Fitness Ball with Pump, Retractable Tape Measure, Skin Caliper Kit, Nutrition Guide and Fitness Guide and Workout Journal

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